Friday, February 19, 2010

Things that irritate me the most..!!!

* Somebody not obeying traffic rules or not knowing traffic rules and driving vehicles on busy roads. I will tell you few examples which I had encountered or rather encounter everyday.

A person riding a two wheeler, when he has to take a left turn and when he has to indicate it with hand signal I don’t understand why the hell they stretch out their LEFT HAND instead of showing the signal with right had by pointing the index finger to the ground and by rotating it anti clockwise..!!

For those kind of people I have one question. Imagine when you are driving a four wheeler and in India its right hand driving and how the hell is he gonna show the left turn hand signal? Are they gonna leave their steering and shift to left seat and stretch their left hand..??!!?? well, I donno how would they manage. Well few of you may say that they will use their indicator but tell me what the hell will you do if your indicators are not working??

HONKING..!!! : this bloody honking unnecessarily I come across everyday especially when I have stopped my vehicle at the signal. Everytime when the signal switches from red to green the vehicles behind me start honking continuously as if I donno that I should start my engine and start moving or I donno whats in their minds? I guess those guys are used to such nuisance!! I don’t understand how these assholes(that’s what I call them) got their driving license? The problem is this is all because of corrupt RTO officers.

Overtaking from left side. Well this is the most common offence which irritates me to the core.. yeah to the core..!! you know what I wish, somebody gimme authority to cancel driving licence of people who don’t follow traffic rules, I guess I would cancel 99.99% driving licence in city.

Well, this offence reminds me of an incident which happened with me few days ago. I was driving and there was an alto in front of me and there is an Hyundai accent behind me. The alto ahead of me slow down and almost stopped because there were few pedestrians who were crossing the road, since I was behind him had to do the same and I showed STOP in HAND signal for the vehicles coming behind me so that they know I’m slowing down n stopping my vehicle. But the Hyundai accent driver behind me thought or rather thinks that the hand signal STOP is actually right turn signal…!!! And he comes and stops next to my car and started asking me “why are you showing right hand signal and stopping you car??!!??” . At this moment I was irritated and agitated by his question and I asked him could you please stop your car,I wanna talk to you but that guy thought I wanna pickup a fight with him but in actual I wanted to ask him please show me how do you show right turn signal and stop signal..!!!

Well this was about traffic violation and my irritation!!!

* The next thing which irritates me at corporate!!

You work hard, you slog your ass and the credit for that work goes to somebody else and most of the time your immediate reporting person!!

I have worked in different companies and believe me I have seen this happening in all the companies I worked and for my knowledge I guess this happens in every corporate..!!

It gets more annoying when your immediate reporting person or your manager knows nothing or has very poor knowledge compared to you(in this case ME)..

And the one who succeed are those who are super duper so called ass lickers..!!

* Bangalore Metro construction.

Bangalore metro construction is also one of them which irritates me, annoys me, bugs me, agitates me, disturbs me, well, you can add more synonyms to that ;)

Now, I’l tell you what is the reason this metro construction irritates me.

I have been born and brought up in bengaluru (it was earlier called Bangalore).

When metro construction initiated the first thing they did was by demolishing the beautiful side walk on the MG Road.

Then removing the iconic aircraft ‘Ajeet’ near GPO circle. This one irritated me the most because I have grown up seeing those iconic places and all of a sudden they are all gone..!! I was hurt.. I’m HURT.

Its like to renew your house, you are asking your wife to go away from your life ( well, I hope you understand what am I trying to tell..!!)

Well, as of now il stop here and when more things add up in my irritating list, I will jot down here.

Till read this il be back with new blog soon. C yaaa….

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