Friday, February 19, 2010

Who is that Girl…???

It was quite a chill in the morning even though there was no mist or rain. It was about 8'o clock and the priest had already taken the altar and I was walking along with my mom climbing up the stairs of the church, as we were already late for the mass. I stood at the door and was wondering, should I go inside the church ? or stand at the door but mom gave a slight push from behind and indicated with her finger that we should go inside and stand because everybody had already taken the bench and there was no place left to sit. I allowed mom to go first and I went slowly behind my mom and stood next to her. After about two minutes, somebody rushed into the church and was slightly panting and stood next to me. The fragrance of the perfume made me think that she should be a girl. And for my surprise, it was this beautiful girl whom I was bowled over in the first sight when I had seen her in the church around a month and a half ago. Looking at her I started feeling even more chiller though the weather outside was not as chill as what I was feeling then.
At first glance, any guy would instantly fall in love with this girl {I felt the same..!! ;-) }. From the corner of my eyes I looked at her feet, because I was in church and could not look at her face directly even though she was just beside me. Well, let me come back to her feet!! she had beautiful toes with nicely shaped nails and somewhat reddish colour nail polish on them. she was holding a handbag in front of her, that made me see her fingers and they were really beautiful.

In between I was also trying to listen to the sermon in the church.

She had beautiful long fair fingers, without touching them, I could tell that they were really soft and gentle. When I was trying to look at her finger I happend to see her face, she immediately looked at me, and immediately I moved my eyes in less than two seconds but there was some kind of strike in my heart!! I wanted to look at her more and longer but, mom was next to me and more over I was in the church. She had very bright face with best features I had seen off late.
Even though the glance was for less than two seconds, her eyes looked bright and beautiful, her lips looked pink and I actually felt I wanted to kiss them. The feeling of kissing actually continued when I saw her cheeks, they were also pink and looked really soft. I felt like pinching her cheeks and do a 'kutli votli voch' lol.. (yeah… I guess you guys remember the Ad)
I rarely get bowled over by somebody's looks. Last I remember was when I had watched Katrina Kaif in 'Yuvvraj', well Katrina is beyond my reach and this girl may be not..!!
During communion, I was standing just behind her and admiring her moves and looking at her beautiful ears with pearl studs pierced. Her hair looked very silky and she had coloured it lightly with burgundy and the lights in the church reflected on them and made it shine even more. She received her communion and started walking towards the door , Even I received my communion and did not wanna miss her and started walking behind her fast and stood a little far beside her.
I wanted to talk to her and tell her 'she is the most beautiful girl I have seen'.
But when the mass was over she walked towards the gate. I still could not resist myself and wanted to talk to her and walked behind her till the gate but I did not have courage to speak to her and know her name. As I was looking her walk, there were few thoughts which were running in my mind. Will I be able to see her again in the church? Even if I see her, Will she stand beside me again? Will I ever tell her that ‘she is simply beautiful’? Will she ever know that I admire her? Or Will I ever know her name..?? Hmmm, well I hope my tale has a happy ending. If not, then to make one.. ;-).

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